What a great day!
A lot of very desirable cars both inside and out, and great people to spend the day with. Those of you that couldn’t make it, you missed a great day. We had the best turn out of cars attending for many years! Ten cars arrived on the day when only nine were expecte
d …and one very late arrival that shall remain nameless. When I arrived, Stephen and the others had raffle ticket spruiking down to a very fine art, and doing a great job! Thanks to all of you for a great effort. All the cars on our site were very well presented, right down to two BMC peddle cars, so in reality, if you count the peddle cars we had 12 cars!
Thanks Elaine for letting Tim drive Bob (Bob was the unexpected 10th car). I had a good look around the cars at Motorclassica and I do have a couple of favourites. I will keep my favourite car to myself but have included all the photos I took on the day so see if you can guess my favourite style of body shape.
Members who attended were:
Geoff Meehan (Mini); Stephen Whitworth (club car); Bill Flaherty (Morris Minor); Chris Willeton (Mini); Andrew Read (Austin A40 {Shoebox}); David Hamilton (Austin A30 Traveller); Rod Bowers (MG Midget); John and Annette Brooksmith (Austin 101 and peddle cars); Tim Christy (Morris Minor); Graeme Williamson (Morris Major). Bevan Rhys James; Graeme and Velma Web; and Tony Bullen.
Club Captain
Tony Bullen
You could win this car!!
The wider view
A different kind of J van
A very special motorbike with a strong Australian influence. Phil Irvine was a legendary engineer and rider.
The back ends
Quasimoto’s ladder, the minis and the Morris display…
Even the coffee vans were special
Austin Healey 3000 and a special Bugatti