Club Permit Scheme

Victoria’s Club Permit scheme allows members of VicRoads approved vehicle clubs to make limited non-commercial use of eligible historic vehicles on the road network. The Morris Car Club (Victoria) Inc (“MCCV”) has been authorised by VicRoads to operate under the Club Permit scheme.

The information below explains the steps you need to follow for your vehicle to be issued with a Club Permit. Before you begin your application, visit the VicRoads website for further information regarding the Club Permit scheme.

1. Join the Club

To be eligible to get a Club Permit, and renew a Club Permit, you must at all times remain a financial member of MCCV. For information on how to become a member or to renew your membership, click here.

Note that Life Members of MCCV do not need to be financial to get and renew Club Permits for their vehicles.

2. Submit the Pre-Approval Request

Complete the “Club Permit Scheme Applicant Pre-Approval Request”. The purpose of this request is to enable the Morris Car Club (Victoria) Inc to assess the suitability of the vehicle for the Club Permit Scheme.

The Pre-Approval Request must be accompanied by a series of photographs of the vehicle to be placed on the Club Permit Scheme. The images of the Front, Rear, Driver’s Side, Driving Position (side-on with the driver’s door open) and, where possible, any Identifiers such as Chassis Number and Engine Number .

The Pre-Approval Request, including the photos, must be posted to the address on the Contact Us page. A stamped self-addressed envelope is not necessary.

3. Wait for Club to Review and Respond

Upon receipt of the Pre-Approval Request, MCCV will determine whether the Applicant’s intended use of the the vehicle aligns with MCCV’s Permit Scheme policy.

Please be aware that it is at the discretion of MCCV officers to accept your vehicle as being eligible and granting the Pre-Approval. If you have any doubt that your vehicle or its intended purpose may not comply with the MCCV’s policy, please contact MCCV to discuss your situation before becoming a member.

Being granted the Pre-Approval does not guarantee that MCCV will endorse your club permit application. That will be determined when MCCV assesses all the required documents for the application (with a vehicle inspection as requested by MCCV),  in steps 5 and 6 below.

MCCV’s decision whether to grant the Pre-Approval Request, will be sent to the email address specified by the Applicant on the Pre-Approval Request form in Step 2.

4. Get the Required Certificates

For all initial applications for vehicles produced after December 31, 1948, the following certificates are required:

For all initial applications for vehicles produced before January 01, 1949, the following certificates are required:

A transferring Club Permit Application into the MCCV requires the following certificates:

  • A current VicRoads certificate of roadworthiness.

5. Submit your Documents

For all initial applications for vehicles produced after December 31, 1948, the following documents for each vehicle needs to be submitted to MCCV for permit scheme authorisation:

For all initial applications for vehicles produced before January 01, 1949, the following documents for each vehicle needs to be submitted to MCCV for permit scheme authorisation:

For all transferring applications, the following documents for each vehicle needs to be submitted to MCCV for permit scheme authorisation:

Club Permit Scheme Renewal Applications are to be mailed to the MCCV postal address on the Contact Us page. A stamped self-addressed envelope needs to be included.

6. Wait for Club to Authorise

Upon receiving the required documents from Step 5 above, a MCCV permit scheme officer will conduct a review of all the information presented.

If MCCV endorses the vehicle to be included in the club’s permit scheme:

  • the appropriate documents will be MCCV signed and stamped
  • all documents will be mailed back to the Applicant using the stamped self-addressed envelope supplied by the Applicant in Step 5 above.

7. Take your Documents to VicRoads

Take all documents received from MCCV to a VicRoads office to complete your Club Permit Application and receive your new plates.

8. Advise Club of your Club Permit Number

Advise MCCV of your new Club Permit Plate Number for each vehicle by sending an email to the email address on the Contact Us page.


The operation of MCCV’s Club Permit scheme is governed by the Club Permit Scheme – Code of Practice which has been written and accepted by the Management and Ordinary Committee of Morris Car Club (Victoria) Inc. To view the document click here.

Application for Exemption Form

This is the Application for Exemption Form of Morris Car Club (Victoria) Inc. which have been written and accepted by the Management and Ordinary Committee of Morris Car Club (Victoria) Inc.

To view and download a copy please click the link below:

Morris Car Club (Victoria) Inc. Application for Exemption