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Have your say about the new Club Show-n-shine Criteria

By June 20, 2018June 29th, 2018General News

New Club show-n-shine structure
As discussed at the last meeting and in general discussion over the past couple of months, the club is putting a more robust structure around the annual show-n-shine.
What is driving the need for a structure.

The existing approach has several issues including:
• There is no real continuity in terms of approach and outcomes from one year to the next.
• Members are not clear about how decisions are being made in relation to their car.
• All categories have recently morphed into a popularity contest without structure or clarity.
• Left unchecked, our ability as a club to encourage larger numbers of entries would be

Traditionally show-n-shine events are used by car clubs to present a forum for members to showcase their cars. There will always be a large discrepancy between the winners against the average entry; not all people enter to win but simply to share. The winners do, however, present the best possible of examples that can showcase and attract more people to our brands.
Popular vote alongside judged results Usually a show-n-shine event has winners in a number of categories that are assessed by experienced and informed scrutineers.To select placegetters and winners there is a need for a framework against which points are allocated or removed. A set approach increases the consistency of the judging year on year.
The input of the broader membership is catered for through an overall “most popular” vote where every member is invited to select their favourite.

It is not the intent of the suggested approach to make our show-n-shine a ‘concours’ event, far from it. The approach is largely based on common sense but by adopting it we will:
• Give clarity to every entrant and club member about how a vehicle will be judged.
• Remove any ambiguity around what matters.
• Allow members to make informed decisions about whether they want to address specific
issues that may reduce or increase their vehicle’s score.
• Provide a showcase for all members to present their vehicle.

Comments and suggestions
After hearing some of the comments from the floor during the meeting, I think we need broader guidance for those cars that fall into the ‘modified’ categories. If people have suggestions on how the suggested format could be broadened for modified vehicles please send these to me so I can review and possibly amend the suggested approach.

My email address is This year’s show-n-shine will be held at
Hanging Rock during September – see the events calendar for further details.
Kind regards
Stephen Whitworth
Vice President Morris Car Club of Victoria Inc.

Have your say about the new Club Show-n-shine criteria