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Club raffle…win a Morris Elite

By November 7, 2019General News

The raffle for the Morris Elite will be drawn as per below at the end of the month. There is still time to buy a ticket if you don’t already have one. The draw date will now be 30 November at the Club’s Christmas function. More information below.

Morris Car Club Raffle Update

The Club still has a number of tickets to sell in the raffle for the Morris Major. We had hoped to have sold more tickets at Motorclassica than we did. Ticket sales have remained steady but have fallen short of what we would want. 

The draw date will now be 30 November at the Club’s Christmas function. The draw will be recorded and uploaded to the web site if possible. The draw will be conducted by people that have not purchased a ticket.

I would like to thank you in advance for your support with the raffle and to assure you that November 30 will be the cut off regardless. 

The Federation has graciously allowed us to sell raffle tickets at the Bendigo Swap Meeting on 16 November. I am hopeful that the opportunity will provide us with the chance to realise the benefits the Club has worked so hard to achieve. 

Kind regards,


Stephen Whitworth


Morris Car Club of Victoria