- October 13, 2022
The October event started from the Hobson Bay Mens shed located in Queens street Altona.
The Men’s shed had breakfast on offer at a reasonable price for all participants, which some Morris members enjoyed along with a cuppa. Then a tour
Of the cars on display in the court yard , some collectable BMC vehicles on display were owned by Morris car club members .
Leaving the men’s shed, members travelled along Altona esplanade to the Altona sports club for lunch. This was certainly an enjoyable lunch for the 21 members that attended.
Leaving the Altona’s sports club at 1.30, everybody drove back to Queens St Altona, where they were greeted at the Truginina reserve & House by the Hobsons Bay City council park Ranger. He gave them a tour of the reserve and provided a brief history of the explosives reserve and the restoration of the managers house.